A unit of measurement used in the U.S.
Tim: How much farther is the campsite?
Brian: It's about 17000 cheeseburgers away.
Tim: Oh.
by Beoejsa a March 2, 2020
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You can call your biggest enemy a cheeseburger. Cheeseburger- Someone who is a hater or just someone you dislike.
Dude #1: Hey you’re ugly.

Dude #2: Yeah well at least i’m not a CHEESEBURGER
by A friendly stranger November 18, 2020
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HOT DAMN I SEE YOU FOUND CHEESEBURGER but don't actually feed him cheeseburgers cause yk he's got the diabetes 😔
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Its a burger with Cheese. It isn’t that hard.
Me: I was so hungry I ate 4 Cheeseburgers!
Friend: Fucking Fatass
by Our Lord and Savior Chutulu April 15, 2018
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Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeseburger!,!
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