“Bro, I brought her home last night from the club and she whipped out her Thai Whistle”
by Manbananna July 2, 2022
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An extremely intelligent, classy, perceptive, & one of a kind man. You will never find another individual as amazing as him. Although often guarded & cynical, once his love, loyalty, & grace are fully given, you will continuously be astonished & thankful at how lucky you are to be with him. He makes all your ex boyfriends look bad because he is just that amazing.
Thai Ngoc is a good man
by Mr.Henry November 25, 2021
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A malay gangster who speaks thai and tends to go for regular muaythai sessions in between lunch breaks during work
You go bkk again? Mat Thai sia.
Mat Thai: Ah bang today relac ar corner already want going muaythai
by AhBangGas August 16, 2018
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The hottest man alive, can put any woman (and man) to bed. Loves gay chameleon midgets farting in each others faces while eating dog shit. His balls are as strong as the rocks head (also has blue balls).
Chick 1: have you seen thai tong, he said he would shit on my face tonight.
Chick 2: IKR, he can put any woman to bed like a hot daddy.
Dude 1: And men???
Chick 2: shut up justin suck my dick.
Dude 1: wait WHAT THE FUCK ?!?!?
Chick 2:*shows justin her dick*
Dude 1: nice cock nigga
by phoenix is a simp October 19, 2021
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u will die. Ur ass will explode if u catch this deadly disease. Keep clear of thai potatoes or face this type of diarrhoea.
by orangasm February 2, 2020
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