The act of binding or tying someones dick to the side of their leg tightly with rope or zip ties and then walking around until they pass out or fall down.
That bitch gave me Polio Legs when she tied my cock up real tight and made me walk to the store. I only made it 2 blocks before I wobbled to the ground. I couldn't feel my dick for a half hour after.
by MajorHole November 18, 2016
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No matter what grade level you are, this is your second year of cross country (your climactic year) where your legs are that of a well rested/energetic sophomore
"She isn't sore from the workout and still has energy, she must have sophomore legs"
by Eagle20 September 24, 2015
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when you scroll from jude_movie’s most recent post to part 361 (third pinned video) realizing he hasn’t posted in a while
“i get so mad when i see the guy kicking his leg”

jude are you okay? i just saw the guy kicking his leg”

it’s time to post jude, the guy kicking his leg showed up again”
by sxy195188m7 May 22, 2023
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when you scroll from jude_movie's most recent house md post to the third pinned video realizing he needs to post a new video
"Jude it's time to post, the guy kicking his leg showed up"
"that damn guy kicking
by sxy195188m7 May 22, 2023
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After you've ran over 5 miles and are standing still with your legs having a seizure.
Look at Johnny over there with his seizure legs.
He ran 10 miles!
by Vectorzip August 21, 2017
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A species of bread beast that have retractable legs and scurry around when resident humans are not watching.
Person1: "Wow, did you see that Bread Leg over there!"
Person2: "Robin, you know that Bread Leg is too stealthy to be seen."
by RA3BIES September 29, 2020
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the most painful day (s) of the workout routine. You may also end up losing your leg functionality if you don't do it properly. Please ask for pro help before working your legs out!
This bloke lost the mobility of his right leg because he really tore off his front tensor muscles and he can't lift his leg up for shit. Leg day is going to be out of his program for a while.
by Ape Warrior October 1, 2023
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