-when you feel a shit come out of your ass but you don’t see it in the toilet. Bonus points if it’s a clean shit too.
1: *in my head to myself* “bruh I just took a whopping shit and it’s nowhere to be seen in this toilet..”

2: “you ever take a shit and it feels like you shat a bunch and when you look in the toilet, there’s nothing in there?”

“Yeah, I call those ghost turds
by Smash_the_Pumpkins May 29, 2019
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when u stick a sock up ur butt and u pull out a huge turd.
i got a huge sock turd when i stuck a sock up my ass.
by nobody else here June 12, 2017
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A swamp turd is someone who is extremely lazy.
Carol: bob don’t be such a swamp turd.
Bob: Oh Jesus Christ carol here we go agin.
Carol: well bob all you do is sit around and drink all day.
by rat_excavators July 16, 2021
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A swamp turd is someone who is slow mentally and physically
Carol: Bob your such a swamp turd.
Bob: Oh Jesus Christ carol here we go again. Just because I have toe fungus doesn’t make me a swamp turd.
Carol:Bob your a swamp turd because you clench your butt cheeks when you run. Not because of your toe fungus

(Bob’s way of running is walking with a small skip)
by rat_excavators July 16, 2021
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(On South Park's first episode of their 14th season) Anyone who doesn't believe that Sex Addiction is a disease, thus ruining the popular belief that Sex Addiction is a virus sent out by an infected Alien Wizard residing in the Independence Hall.
Kyle: What if sex addiction isn't a disease, but a state of mind!
Sex Addiction Counselor: *Picks up phone and secretly says to whoever is on the other line...* We have a Turd in the Chili Bowl. I repeat, we have a Turd in the Chili Bowl!
by theskymightfall March 22, 2010
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