If you date a Damian you are lucky and unlucky at the same time he has a huge dick and is good in bed but he can be a real dick something but he would never hit a girl he is caring, sweet, kind, and loyal
Girl you are so lucky you are dating a Damian

I know and he is so caring, sweet and loyal and he is good in bed
by @pAyToNiScUtE March 20, 2020
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A fucking simp who values pussy over everything else in life
Hey look over there is a damian

what a fucking simp
by yesmna July 18, 2021
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did u hear how delusional they sounded? That’s so Damian.
by ferretlover1 March 18, 2023
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the chances are hes probably jewish
damian is a jew
i know
by mrnipplekiller45 September 9, 2021
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Damian , likes to argue , doesnt know how to express his feelings, dont give two shits bout what you think. Hot asf but claims to be ugly lookin. Had a rough past and is very hard to communicate with. Likes to argue with a certain someone. claims he loves a girl but shows his love in the worst way. Finally starts talking to you at night and is pussy when it comes to the weirdest things. He also likes to fuck bitches for one of his many hobbies, then ramts abt it to the girl he "loves"
Damian, a very interesting hard to understand person. Damian is...Damian.
by 4k4realz_Lia September 24, 2021
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