A bedridden UK hag whose bone density is beyond repair who coughs dust and deteriorates daily, ready for the grave.
Dizzy dustbones is on her way to '6 ft under' soon.
by Goonie's Revenge October 30, 2023
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Guy sitting on bench: *doing nothing*

Random 5 year old: *repeatedly saying “slizzy dizzy lala”*
by Some guy whose bored af March 9, 2023
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person 1: who's that sexy hunk

person 2: oh that's just my favorite YouTuber dizzy dyl
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To be 'banging/ knocking on the door'.
6:50 a.m., I'll be "bangin on the dizzy".

I "bang dizzys" all day.
by Mr.Cookookachu June 15, 2010
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Someone who drinks and gets sleepy soon after.
Maigge was dizzy drunk last night that we had to grab an Uber to put her to bed .
by Rv_skiller November 6, 2022
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