A child who watches Minecraft videos and is obsessed with playing Roblox. They enjoy eating sandwiches and doritos. They will constantly rage and flip out if they lose a match in a game.
Kevin, you are being such an 8 year old.
by sodapop. February 11, 2021
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It is what soldiers of the Pewdiepie army are called. They were previously called as Bros, Sisters, Sister Sqaud, Squad and are now 9 year olds. True 9 year olds are those who did their part, such as Mr.Beast. Do your part, and subscribe to pewdiepie
The 9 year olds pledge their loyalty to the Lord Pewdiepie.

The 9 year olds suffered casualties in the T Series war

My friend Imag Ayman enrolled in elementary school to become a 9 year Old
by Brief Velkoz December 5, 2018
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A person who is 12 years old. Sometimes used as an insult on the internet by older people who were probably really stupid 12 year olds and figure that everyone else must of been as stupid and pansy-ish as they were when they were 12.
Guy 1: Well the earth isn't flat really as science clearly already proved its sphere shaped.
Guy 2: And you're just gonna follow anything that science says? You must be a 12 year old or just stupid in general.
Guy 1: --_--
by Sincerely Crazed September 16, 2019
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A kid who is 12 years old and inbetween being a child and a teenager. People hate 12 year olds, mainly because they act older than they actually are and they try to be someone they're not during school and towards other people. Of course, not all 12 year olds are like this. But this is the overall stereotype for 12 year olds.
My advice is to not pick on 12 year olds. They didn't choose their age, therefore they are being used for insults and being picked on for something they can't control which, in my opinion, is extremely unfair
Example 1:
Guy 1: Have you seen the new computer game yet?
Guy 2: Yes I have. Omg that game is like for retarded 12 year olds
Example 2:
Random dude: bro do you still play minecraft?

Random dude 2: nah m8 that game is for fucken 12 year olds
by CJP0133 July 21, 2017
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13 year olds are defined as creatures with raging hormones and lots of zits. they are often called dumb, naive and immature. tbh that's not entirely true not all of us are like that.
eg: "omg, I'd never date a 13 year old."
by namjoonsbonsaiii January 3, 2021
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