The gayest university in the history of American tertiary education, excluding art schools.
Guy #1: Dude, I got into Yale!
Guy #2: Oh, um... OK. I totally support your lifestyle choice. Do your parents know?
by kwijiborjt July 11, 2008
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When someone you know who is extremely smart didn't get accepted to Yale. And tries to hude the fact they're a failure because they didn't get accepted to Yale. #NotHarvard
You: "Hey Randeep... Yale."
Randeep: "What? I didn't even apply there?"
You: "Yale..."
Randeep: "That makes no sense."
You: "It makes sense Yale didn't accept you..."
by iWearCutoffs March 27, 2015
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1. A good ivy-league collage. The school that George Bush went to and barely graduated with a C grade. Then later went on to run the most powerful country in the world.

2. Slang for crack-cocaine.

3. A name.
Guy: I made it into Yale!
Friend: So, you didn't get into Harvard?
Guy: Nope :(

2. Yo mang, i just sold this bitch some hella yale today.

3. Hey Yale, over here!
by Swikity August 6, 2007
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Yale(adj.):Ass, wack, stupid, not smart enough to go to Harvard
Harvard Guy 1: That party was YALE fam!
Harvard Guy 2: Word! I only saw like one chic who had all of her limbs and wasnt missing any of her teeth.

Guy(after watching his friend come in second place and look like a loser): "Dude you're Yale, don't talk to me."
by Cool Kid February 16, 2005
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Yale is a private college located in New Haven, CT. One of the seven Ivy Leagues, a string of East Coast colleges founded in the early 1700s including Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Columbia, Brown, Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania, it boasts a strenuous, although rewarding, academic curriculum as well as decent sports.

Yale is a very coveted college; GPAs and SAT scores are not all you need to get in, as essay-writing and extra curriculars are very important to the application. Some believe Yale takes kids of rich donor parents; however, this is somewhat untrue as Yale has a fair albeit rigorous application process though legacy has been proven to help somewhat. Very few students who attend Yale, except some on sports scholarships, have SATs under 2300; as well as few maintaining GPAs throughout high school under 3.8 or 3.9.

Yale University has a mediocre campus; the town in which Yale is located is rather barren, and up until about 1994 or '95, quite crime-riddled. Students at Yale do have the option of taking jobs at places such as Subway, etc. to earn extra money.

All in all, Yale University is a highly coveted college that is difficult to get into and stressful.
Example 1:
Julia: Do you think Hannah will get into Yale? She wants to go there really bad.
Fiona: I don't know, she said her GPA was 3.7 and her SATs were 2230.

Julia: Maybe she'll go there on a sports scholarship.
Fiona: Maybe.

Example 2:
John: Dude I'm kinda regretting the day I said OK to Yale now
Kyle: Yeah man it's really tough here. I have a 23-page-paper due on cell division and he only gave it yesterday.
John: Ouch!
by YaleUniversity January 21, 2013
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n.) A cop, or a cop's car.

vt.) For a cop to pull over someone or otherwise.

vi.) To be pulled over by a cop or otherwise.

Named for Yale Security Service, whose company vehicles closely resemble police cars, and the security guards driving these seem to be aware of this. Can be easily mistaken as such, and used to scare the shit out of Matt at 2am.
1.) That Yale was a total dick.

2.) Dude, that cop just totally Yaled that guy.

3.) On the way home, I saw like seven people getting Yaled.

4.) I got really scared when I thought a cop was following me, but it turned out it was just a Yale.

5.) Haha, we totally fooled Matt into thinking that Yale was a cop. Watch out for that Yale! The Yale is glaring at you! Don't do anything in front of the Yale!
by The Domo February 8, 2005
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