To die a horrible sniping death means you were woogied.

Me and my buddy was in a fox hole back in WWII when all of a sudden his head explodes. It turns out a sniper woogied him from atop a hill.
by TWG February 10, 2003
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1. adj. Something of an overt or obviously unfair nature that is commonly used with the express intent to gain as much advantage as possible within a given system.

2. n. A popular alcholic concoction within the city of New Orleans amongst certain subcultures. It commonly involves taking the remnants of any alchoholic substances within an apartment or house and combining them into one alchoholic beverage. In order to complete this, a powder suger subtance such as Kool-Aid (tm) is added for the attempt to make the liquid taste better.

3. Adj. A scary, unnerving or strange individual, place, or item.
1. "I got some woogie crap that I can pull tonight man."

2. "Dude, get the woogie."

3. "That woogie dude is driving the woogie car down the woogie street to his woogie house."
by morbidthecat March 7, 2006
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1. The fatty backside of the upper arm (tricep) that is exceedingly smoothe to the touch and prone to flap around in high winds.

2. What one says when pinching (1), usually repeated quickly and in a cute voice.
"Who cares about poking belly buttons when you can squeeze woogies?"
by John-Rolf January 20, 2006
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A woogie is commonly known as snot and saliva mixed together by a one or two snorts, then having it spat out on to the floor.
*Snort!, *Snoooorrt Ptaahh" "Awww groosss maan, that was the biggest woogie I've ever seen"
by Homie c May 23, 2003
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small white bumps that pop up for no reason. usually on knees
julia has like 5 woogies and theyre really cool
by studmuff July 13, 2005
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This is a corporate game that has been played in Vodafone uk since 1997 involving a 'Woogie Meister' and hiders in a darkened machine room.
by El Spocko September 14, 2003
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