This petite beauty has graced the screen throughout the nineties and beyond. She is also one of those characters who make Hollywood special, in a nice way.
"Winona Ryder is a class act. Her innate gifts and unusual beauty are indisputable" Stephen Rebello

"She has a poetic beauty" James Woods
by Sarah421 June 22, 2005
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This talented actress has graced the screen and entertainment news for the past two decades, thanks to her roles in more than 25 films and her comprehensive dating history, which is probably just as long as her movie credits.
by JEDI March 21, 2005
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Amazing, talented, gorgeous actress.
Makes life worth living.
Me: I have every movie Winona Ryder has ever been in!
by Sarah Röse September 19, 2007
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The most beautiful and intelligent person on the planet. She's also very cool
You're as beautiful as Winona Ryder.

by benji August 25, 2003
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ex.Winona is "so beautiful it's almost hard to look at her. It's like looking at a perfect rose. I just loved her."-Ellen Burstyn after working with Winona on "American Quilt"
by Darkus March 20, 2005
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Winona State University is a college where students are able to learn how to improve their world and the community around them, as well as be successful in any career that the students choose to pursue. Through intense studying and commitment, this can be done while also attending the many parties, shindigs and get-togethers at the University while getting smashed, hammered, nailed, penetrated, blown, drunk, high, and last but not least, getting laid.
These activities are able to be done largely in part from the dedication of the students to their party-tastic lifestyle and the commitment involved within said lifestyle. This is all great, but the clincher is the 5:1 girl:guy ratio that sets Winona State apart from the rest.
Dude, we need to party and get laid!
Ummmm, duh. That's why we are going to Winona State!
by MisterSmiles October 15, 2008
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