The name given to Nintendo Corporation's game console from Revolution. Pronounced in english "wee", marketing reasons by Nintendo prompted the name change.
by JPWRana April 29, 2006
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A gaming console designed by Nintendo, released in November 2006. The Wii is best-known for its unique motion-sensitive controller and the fact that one can create their own Wii by duct-taping two GameCubes together.
"The Wii is a piece of shit!"
"The Wii is two GameCubes duct-taped together!"
by SushiP May 4, 2008
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Nintendo's new gaming system. Was nicknamed "revolution" for awhile. Supposedly the new wave of gaming.
"Let's go play with our Wii's!"
by southpaw87 April 28, 2006
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The best game console ever...... with the worst name ever.
I'm gonna go home and play with my wii all night long!
by I swear to Drunk, I'm not God! December 23, 2006
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The official name for the system formerly codenamed "Nintendo Revolution". They actually named it Wii? That makes "Nintendo Go" sound good. I want "Nintendo Gimme" dammit!
by Yarcofish April 27, 2006
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The funniest name ever green-lighted for a video game console.
Sorry I am so out of it today, I stayed up all night playing with my "wii".
by S. MiyamoWIIIIII!!! April 27, 2006
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