A prophylactic that is placed on scrotum/testes during intercourse.
Mary: "So how did it go with John last night?"

Caroline: "The sex was amazing, but his spermisized wazoo caused a disgusting rash on my taint."
by Concubine Courtney March 5, 2010
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The dimple located between the vagina and the anus on many slutty girls
Oliver: Hey so I heard you were hooking up with Sarah last night... did she make you lick her wazoo?
Steve: Yea... I don't wanna talk about it
by woojoe7 February 18, 2010
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A number Term used in science its from"100,000-1,000,000

Mr Medonia Mr Big D
There would be a wazoo of insects if amphibians dies
by Play boy hat April 13, 2021
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Meaning: A lot of...

(tends to be a Northern expression)
Man, I have homework up the wazoo.
by Kris8302 September 6, 2010
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excessive, to the extreme, abundant or overwhelming in a ridiculous or comical way
I've had phone calls out the wazoo this morning
by VonH September 14, 2013
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