A person who takes for granted a friend who drove all the way to San Francisco for them, just for them to turn out to be a fake bitch who chooses a toxic relationship with a hideous man over anyone any day.
She wants me to learn to be a better friend? Maybe she should learn how to not be an ungrateful bitch.
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A sexual act where a man ejaculates into their lover's mouth, and has it spit back upon them.
It was good, until s/he pulled an ungrateful llama on me.
by Cal Aggie Marching Band-Uh! December 2, 2007
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A Man Preps Himself For Sex By Pleasuring Himself Almost To The Point Of Orgasm,Then Enters The Woman For Two Or Three Pumps Before Cumming.Then Leaves The Room Without Saying A Word.
She Thought She Was Going To Get Fucked,But All I Gave Her Was A (Ungrategful Henry)!
by Stevie B. From Jersey October 8, 2004
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1. A prostitute.
2. A person considered sexually promiscuous.
3. A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.
Dad your an "ungrateful whore"!
by Whore #2744 December 31, 2009
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A person who is not grateFul for what he/She haves
Ayy bro what's up?
Nothing m8 but that hoe is an ungrateful fuck
by hoes b mad yk May 26, 2020
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One who sits around for 30 years only wondering about other people in relation to his lack of clean clothing or prepared food; but never taking a moment to ponder the needs of those lowly individuals stuck with the task of feeding and cleaning him.
Ungrateful Jackass: "Sitting on my ass with a stupid look on my face and never bothering to appreciate anything is heaven!"
by rachpissedhousewife December 29, 2010
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Someone who is ungrateful and a piece of shit at the same time
Wow your such an ungrateful turd sometimes, you could at least thank me for sucking your cock dad
by Topdeck June 25, 2015
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