noun. of or about a woman or women. General term for femaleness.
"Did you see that trim over there?"
response 1: "Yeah, she's pretty hot."
response 2: "Yeah, they were pretty hot."
by MadPsychologist September 14, 2009
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to get a hair cut
yo im going for a trim
by Sneaky J June 23, 2003
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Looks like there's some good lookin' trim 'round here tonight.
by Stevie Y November 10, 2004
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The tingling sensation you get in your legs/feet, when sitting in the same position for some time.

Besides you legs Going trim trim, you can also feel numbness in your legs,
Trim trim elavates when you try to walk with you numb feet and legs.
Often resulting from sitting in lotus position
Dude, I have been sitting here for half an hour, and now I have trim trim in my legs, help me sit
by PerrySan November 3, 2020
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means when a boy is fit or proper nice looking,
oh man that boy is trim
by trimgirlxx September 2, 2007
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new word for tripping. someone who messes up or makes a mistake.
that teacher is trimming!
by beautiful_92 November 20, 2007
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