Tetrahydrocannabinol a.k.a. The Hunger-inducing Chemical (THC) is the active ingredient in marijuana derived from Cannabis.
The Hunger-inducing Chemical (THC) is known to induce hunger by increasing sense of smell via the cannabinoid receptors in the olfactory bulbs of mice, which are often used as models for human sensory systems.
by Ursa Sapiens Blog March 6, 2014
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I need my THC. Let's go sit on the couch. I need my fix!
by #jcb February 24, 2014
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Tetrahydrocannabinol also known as THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol. It is the main psychoactive substance found in the Cannabis plant also known as Marijuana. THC binds to Cannabinoid receptors in the synapse in your brain, causing your blood vessels to open up, slowing down your bloodflow creating an adverse effect on your brain also known as being high.

Effects of THC may include-
-Short Term Memory Loss
-Non-stop laughter or giggling
-Impaired coordination
-Impaired judgement
-Impaired learning ability or problem solving
THC is typically 5% in Marijuana
THC is typically 10% in Hash (Male species of Cannabis plant)
by Crackpipe March 21, 2007
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THC Stands for Tash Hit's Climax.
Tash : *Moans* I think i'm gonna THC!.
Jason : Mmmmmh.. i'm not stopping you
Tash : Oh Jason your amazing
Jason : I Know.
by Veratos June 15, 2009
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Tim Horton's Coffee.

An addictive substance found in Canadia, and usually accompanied by some sort of donut or pastry.
"Coffee run - who wants some THC?"
by Steak April 28, 2004
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A 3 step motivational program

Think, Hold that thought, Complete!
You think of somthin from an idea u had....then u hold that thought for a sec....now u complete it by doin it!
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