Self righteous environmental fascists who believe they are disciples of earth mother.
All the good parking spots were reserved for the green supremacists in the car share program.
by Sven55 April 14, 2014
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A formerly useful term that has been hijacked to mean someone who doesn't support Democrats or the woke racial agenda
Voter 1: "Did you know that 1/3 of Hispanics and 15% of African Americans didn't vote for Terry McAuliffe"
Voter 2: "That makes all of them white supremacists"
by MickeyNight November 16, 2021
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1. An ethnocentric person who sees their person morals and/or a group's morals that he/she identifies with as superior to any other groups morals. So Superior that they support ethnocentric policies promote their morals at the expense of everyone else's moral views. Moral Supremacist reject cultural pluralism and are eager to engage in cultural warfare in the public political arena to quash any form of dissent against their social agenda.
The Moral Supremacist was upset when he heard that his daughter would learning about Sexual Education that he ran for his town's school board to purge it from the local school's curriculum
by Libertatis November 16, 2014
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A person who is white and believes everyone is supreme.
"Y'all supreme and have a nice butt!"
"Wow, you're such a white supremacist..."
by Dik_Dik June 18, 2021
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Pronounced as "who-ite supremacist". A social justice warrior type person who is obsessed with identity politics and defines a person's actions or beliefs as being good or bad based on "who" they identify as in terms of race, gender, sexual preference or politically.
The whoite supremacists at the academic journal published a chapter of Adolf Hilter's Mein Campf that was modified to use feminist terminology. They believe that Hitler's ideology would have been good if executed by people of the correct identity.
by anonymous64__ January 8, 2022
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One who believes that their beliefs are superior to others and should therefore dominate society, and be the only ones allowed to speak.
That politician is a Left Supremacist, because they used their Attorney General to brand parents Terrorists, because parents disagree with schools teaching racist ideologies to their children.
by The Big Tasty January 15, 2022
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A person who makes a lot of money in the stock market when they're not supposed to.
White supremacists caused the bankruptcy of Melvin Capital by buying GameStop stock.
by CrispasNary January 28, 2021
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