Definition 1:

A rather ironic misspelling of the word "stupid". It tends to take away the attention from the truly stupid party.

It can be used to justify that something is not stupid, simply because the person who used it does not know how to spell. Since a person in unable to spell it must mean that they are stupid, and thus have no idea what they are talking about. They are thought to be more stupid than the thing being criticized. (It does not matter at all that the keys "S" and "D" are located right next to each other on the keyboars)

Definition 2:

The word can also be used doubly ironically, especially by hipsters to show that something is, in fact, not stupid at all. It shows that anyone who would think something to be stupid must be stupid themselves.
Example 1

Person A: "I think wars are so stupis, why can't people just learn to get along"

Person B: "Lol wut the heck is a stupis? rofl xD ur so stupid, Stupid. lololol"

Person A: "So you think that the mindless slaughter of innocent humans beings, for the ideology of the few in power, is an intelligent thing to do?

Person B: "lol stupis. What a loooser"

Person A "..."

Example 2

Normal Person:"Ugh! Justin beiber is so stupis! His songs are so repetetive and shallow. Why does he have so many fans???"

Belieber: ur the stupid 1 xP u kant evan spall da werd stupid. lolololololol

Example 3:
Lol, breathing is so stupis.
by DaStupisdestPersoninDaWerld April 21, 2011
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A way of calling someone Stupid but more Childish and frequent
Jim: Makes a yo mama joke

Me: I don’t have a mom Stupi
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Stupid + Dufus but even stupider Its not stipid its stupis
Dat Boi is Stupis
by Garchomp808 October 14, 2018
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I decree thee Stupy; a fine member of society and worthy of much adoration.
by Stuart October 13, 2003
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Pronunciation: Stew-Pee
A stupid person. stupid
If you have to use adjacent link, you are either an ESL or a stupy. "Andrew's a stupy" ESL
by Amanda Hug&Kiss September 27, 2005
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A stupie is much like a selfie, except a stupie is a random picture of anything you want it to be. Then shared on a social media site.
Omg let's take a stupie of this floor and post to Facebook.
by Udiealot81 August 30, 2014
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An incredibly popular character from the comic series "Stupy John Comics". He's been killed three times in his 220 issue series, and now stars in
"The Adventures of Stupy John", "Stupy John: Unlimited", and the miniseries "Stupy John Returns". He was created by John Papp and Tony Morgan
Stupy John: Best. Character. Ever.
by stupy john July 23, 2005
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