something on snapchat that is a major waste of time, like no one gives a shit about people sending selfies with the fucking dog face fitter to you everyday. so fuck snapchat and this
"my 13 year old sister says streaks are fun, but to me they're a WASTE of time"

"why are streaks even a thing"
"i think streaks as well as constant news updates about cringy youtubers such as jake paul are the main reasons of why i deleted my snapchat account"
by feckxlyfe November 15, 2018
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For people who have Snapchat but don't have lives.
If you send a picture to someone everyday and they do the same, you'll get a streak. And as long as you keep taking some picture a day and send it to them and they keep doing the same, the days will keep going up... but if one of you doesn't send one within 24 hours of your last picture sent... you lose the streak.

Like I said... for people who don't have lives and probably the reason why Snapchat's still somewhat relevant.
Jenny: Chad why you make us lose our streak?
Jake: I don't know maybe because I have a life and don't got time to take a picture of the floor every 24 hours. I lost all of my streaks.
by latrelljennings October 2, 2018
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when you continuously send nudes to someone every day on Snapchat you earn "streaks" You have to send a nude every day or else you will break the streak or chain.
Alex: don't forget to send me streaks today ;)
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something you need to stop sending to a lot of people and not answering them so you can have more snaps and leave everybody on delivered😭.
“Omg why do you have so many snaps.” “Oh I just send a lot of streaks and not opening them.”
by phatpu$$y38 July 27, 2020
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1.) the act of removing ones clothes, and running about in the buff, usually near a group of people, but only be seen momentarily, makes people go "wtf?"

2.) What ur shat does when it's too chunky to flush down the toilet.
1.) Hey everybody we're goin streaking!! Come on soup-a-loup bring your green hat!!!

2.) Yeah I took this mondo lincon-log poo earlier today, it left streaks.
by Karu October 4, 2004
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Solified paint marker. Permanent and writes on most surfaces. Taggers commonly use them. Looks like chalk when dried.
by C'WARE from G.Y.C October 11, 2003
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