British slang. Like a jock in many ways, tends to hang around with Charvas and enjoys to play basketball, rugby, soccer and much more. Has no real music sense and is generally ugly and arrogant.
Hahaa! Look at that Sprout ugly, arrogant sportsman!
by cobain October 29, 2003
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A person who has no muscular definition at all (un-hench). These people think they're top of the social ladder, posting selfies of there flat stomach on facebook and receiving one like from there brother who too is taking the piss, but in fact there unwanted children whose family haven't discovered fire yet.
Alex: (tags Dean in a photograph) haha what a bellend!
Dean: haha look at him, he needs to hit the abs!
Alex: you could draw a straight line with that!
Dean: yeah, what a sprout!
by Banter? Kemmoon December 19, 2014
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Sprouts - Slang for Boobs.
Common in Dublin,Ireland.A joke name for Mammory Glands.
Look at the Sprouts on her!
by Blood January 7, 2005
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A person gets defensive in the presence of others. Whether at a statement, or a joke taken too seriously.
Guy1: Dude, did you buy your car from my grahms?

Guy2: Shut up, you moron, no I didnt!

Guy3: (hey man, chill, this guy's sprouting)
by Craven Angel August 7, 2008
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A vegetable your mom forces you to eat even though it tastes like vomit and smells like farts.
No dessert unless you eat your Brussels sprouts.
by zimmygirl777 September 3, 2022
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