Someone who sleeps around and is just a general whore. Always bitchy to every one and mostly mean. You could also compare it with a slag.
she slept with john aswell, complete sket
by abbeyatyouathello February 7, 2011
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your mum on the phone to me-"yo baby come round i need some lovin"
me-"i aint gonna fuck no sket twice"
by rathsangatas drink November 2, 2004
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a girl that will sleep with any1
any place
any time
by that gyal is a sket October 11, 2009
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no-one knows what it actually means but people use it anyway, I mean, what is the point of calling someone that when it doesn't mean anything at all?
some random person minding his/her own business.
Moron: Oi, F***in sket!
Random person: Erm..what?
Moron:you f***in heard me! I said you're a sket!
Random person: what does that even mean?
Moron: I don't know
Random person: well why even say it if you don't know what it means?
Random Person: whatever, just shove off and bug someone else
by BansheeRaven666 March 18, 2009
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A way of describing someone who is unappealing. Similiar to skank, but is not usually used in adjective form
Oh My God, she is such a sket!
They're all a bunch of skets!
You sket! Give me my cookie back! :)
by Charlie the Weird Glitter Emo January 24, 2009
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any gyal hu tinks she tops cuz bare manz had her sukin on deir tingz.
shina gyals and hos
lisa...white gyals wana be blacks wiggers

dats any gal man she a sket
dont drop t
by i aint tellin u September 30, 2003
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