A highly accomplished individual in any given area, worthy of envy.

Derived from a certain Mr. N, used by the vortex and morse suites from yale.
Did you see Aaron in the news today? That dude is one sick fuck.
by rimmers October 11, 2004
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1. A depraved, unstable, and perverted person.
2. A person who is utterly immoral.
3. You.(see below)
1."Furries, what a bunch of sick fucks"
2."how could you, how could you just kill him like that, you sick fuck I'll get you if it's the last thing I do".
3."you r an sicfuc, lol I trolls".🤤🤤🤤
by khaul blackwood December 25, 2017
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im a sick fuck I like a quick fuck I like my dick sucked Ill buy you a sick truck
by Aruely November 14, 2018
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When you force a person to swallow three fresh ass logs at once in an attempt to make them puke and possible infect them with something. This will only work if said person is someone from Urban Dictionary has posted one or more definitions (rejected or not) that involve consuming feces with possible rough anal sex, otherwise it is just torture.
Seriously people... stop posting disgusting shit on Urban Dictionary! If you are trying to get some form of recognition for something then get your damn facts straight and post a REAL sex position WITH REFERENCES! UD is for ALL audiences not just for you sick little cunts!

sick fuck upchuck
by TheTypoPoopcicle May 31, 2009
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1) Someone whose ribcage you'd like to tear open with the claw end of a hammer so you can defecate in his chest cavity.

2) Somebody who should have his head nailed to the floor while being sodomized with a cheesecloth-sack full of a thousand angry bees.
Zeke: My request for a new chair was rejected because of that sick twisted disturbed fuck. I tell ya, someone ought to force him at gunpoint to face-fuck a wild boar.
by Krakky McKraken November 5, 2006
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your friends fucks you over for the last time so you are fucking done with his shit
im sick of your fucking shit cunt
by Rrrssvhj July 28, 2020
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Worse than a sick twisted fuck. Worse than a sick twisted disturbed fuck. A sick twisted disturbed *psychotic* fuck is so vile, so putrid, so *unbearable* that no punishment in hell is sufficient to destroy him. Cheap. Crazy. Chases everybody around with inscrutable, mind-numbing questions. Mumbles when he talks and has so little love for his own family he'll ruin everyone else's lives in retaliation. The kind of deranged freak you want to crucify in an empty swimming pool and set on fire. You want to sit his kids on his chest, then pull his scrotum up over his head, forcing his kids to gnaw their way free.
STDPF: Hi, I was in on Sunday & I found these boxes of old envelopes. I know they have our old, old address on them but I figure you can just scratch that out with a pencil and use them, what does it matter, who opens them anyway, just a fucking secretary? If you could do that to every envelope, I think there's 1500 of them, get that done by lunchtime, that'll be great.

(slurps coffee)

STDPF: Now, I found these three boxes of pencils, so if you want to sharpen them all, I know they're kinda old and don't have erasers but I think people might want to use them, they write really well and maybe you can even use them to scratch out our old addresses! Now here...here are 8 boxes of letterhead with my name on each sheet, if you could just cross my name off of them we can use them for official correspondence and that way we can save a few bucks and maybe get you some part-time help a few months from now maybe a high school kid in the afternoon after school but you're doing a great job as it is-----

Clyde: Would you shut *up*, you sick twisted disturbed psychotic FUCK?
by Krakky McKraken July 11, 2008
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