(Adj.) the combination of shit-faced and wasted

1. When one is beyond wasted and/or high asf out of their mind.

2. The act of turning fucked up to the max.
Brad: dude you were totally shwasted last night.
Chad: yeah bro I know I got fucked up at that frat party!
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consuming mass quantities of beer to the point of dancing and/or wanting to spar vigorously. this can lead to a serious of comedic references later served to you that very next morning!
Man, jesse you sure were Shwasted last night, i was laughing so hard when you were trying to walk to your SUV!
by mr clap happy July 12, 2011
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A mixture between being shitfaced and wasted to the point of being blacked out and of no return.
Helen: "What happened last night, I don't remember anything"

Candice: "Uhh you were the shwaste"

Helen: "Ahh that must be why my ass hurts"
by HelCan August 28, 2007
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I was shwasted the night I made out with him. That was the appx 6 beers that night.
by SchwamRed07 December 14, 2009
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Being so hammered drunk that you are both shitfaced and waisted at the same time. (sh-wasted)
Dude last night I drank like 34 beers and got shwasted.
by I know the lingo November 13, 2007
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a garbage bin designated for throwing up in, post-drinking session
Jim's had a little too much to drink; better put the shwaste bin next to his bed.
by Rm. 404B June 28, 2010
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