A big brolic Chinese man who says niggasammich and eats a lot of fucking rice his dick is basically a 3rd leg and his balls are so hairy it’s like jumanji
dam Tsung chi shih has a forest down there with his third leg
by BigDickTeez February 5, 2022
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An annoyance unlike any other. A subtle humming noise with short hair.
by Wang P. Freely April 4, 2003
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Pronounced (hoe-lee SHEET-sue)

n. Expression of surprise.
Holy Shih-Tzu! Look at that dog’s balls, their huge.
by Shane! July 15, 2009
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Shih Tzu is another term for shit.

It is also small cute breed of dog.

Also the name of a band, 'Kinza And The Shih Tzus', with the number one album 'For Those Who are Shih Tzus, We Salute You'.
The band was started on the outskirts of London, inspired by the large eyed, silky haired dog. The band members are the lead singer and lyracist Kinza, other lyracist and back up singer Ruth and the second back up singer and drummer Millie.
Guy sneeks up on friend.
Guy: BOO!
Friend: Ahh! You scared the shih tzu outta me!
Guy: Sorry! Hey, do you wanna check out Kinza And The Shih Tzus tonight? They're performing at 9:00.
Friend: Sure! I love their song 'SOS Please Save Our Shih Tzus'. Their lyrics, based on animal testing are so deep.
Can I bring my shih tzu, Popo, along too?
Guy: Okay!
by Popo Teh Clown December 25, 2006
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A colection of words used to abbreviate the word: hoe,bitch,nigga,shit. Used by the following: skeet, dave dikes,dylan sw and p-rare. also used to confusue athority figures ito thinking we are making up stuff. HAS TO BE SAID EXTREAMLY FAST TO MAKE SENSE
Skeet: Yo Dave!!

Dave: Sup wit cha?

by Skeet boyd April 15, 2008
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An excuse to pull yourself from saying the S-word.
by Power476 December 17, 2020
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