In reference to the food and/or dining facilities at Johnson State college in Vermont.
"Im starving lets go to schwag"

"Did you already go to schwag?"

"All the schwagg food is making me sick"

by Shane Rumrill August 16, 2007
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Bad weed with little potency. Usually looks like dirt and has tons of seeds along with an unpleasant smell. White trash, ghetto black people, and Mexicans are usually the ones who smoke and/or sell this garbage.
"Get that nasty schwag outta here. Nobody wants to smoke that stuff."
by Aaron June 28, 2004
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In Alberta in the early 80's "schwag" meant a fat homely chick.
Man, I better leave this bar, there's nobody here but a bunch of fat schwags!
by bob January 13, 2004
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any product or thing of poor quality masking itself as a viable product.
Aquanet is the shwag of the hair care world, and Spam is the schwag of the meat world
by Jacko December 17, 2002
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I am unfamiliar with the marijuana use of this definition. I have only heard this word in reference to free schwag.. ie stuff you win at a bike race or similar event.
Yeah, 5 reps were at the national championships givin' out free schwag--and I scored a free ...
by Eric S March 2, 2005
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Dude, livin' in Jersey is the schwag.

You need to get some son, bro; your face is pasty as schwag.

My schwag itch.
by Chubbs McBlow July 25, 2011
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Usually very dry and brown weed... smells and tastes like shit. But hey, it's better than resin!
Bob: Yo dawg, let's get high.
Bill: Aight, but I only have some nasty-ass shwag...
Bob: Well then pack it up in the gravity bong! That makes shwag get you high as a butt monkey!
by toka4lyf August 6, 2005
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