A slang term commonly used by certain radio stations in place of the word vagina
Dude, her Sanjaya is totally hanging out...
by AceTheDark October 19, 2007
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Part Indian part Italian guy from Washington currently on American Idol. Not a very good singer, his sister was better. Has long lucious beautiful hair and likes to change hair styles to suit the occasion. Also loves to do the hula.

Sexuality is pending.
me: damn did you see Sanjaya Malakar do the hula?
friend: yeah thats the hula girls do
me: LOL
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The ability of a mediocre or poor performer to rouse the support of the masses.

Also, a competition in which the popularity of an individual is valued more than their ability to perform.
That guy can't dance at all! Why wasn't he voted off this week?

I don't know...it must be the Sanjaya Effect.
by isiro drake June 21, 2007
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1. (n) The practice of retaining an obviously unsuitable candidate, contestant or participant, long after they deserve consideration, chiefly for comic effect.
Despite solid dancing, the Sanjaya Factor was the primary cause of casting decisions in Riverwalk Playhouse's production of "Anything Goes."
by the kitsch parade May 8, 2008
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While performing anal sex with a partner doggy style, the pitcher periodically wipes his shaft free of shit and pre-cum with the palm of one hand, and grabs ahold of a handful of his partner's hair. He holds each shaft of hair until the shit dries it into a rigid ponytail. He then continues wiping and switching hands, creating a row of shit-stiff ponytails down the center of his partner's head, until she is left with a ponyhawk in the style of American Idol's Sanjaya.
It took me so long to cum ass-fucking her last night, I started giving her a Dirty Sanjaya.
by PantsBulge June 30, 2009
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Obviously to everyone but yourself you are being conned or tricked by someone to think they are great
Carlos:WHy is Christy dating that guy with the explosive acne?
Me:Its obvious shes being Sanjaya-ed
by squid2 April 11, 2007
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The BEST singer from American Idol. He was voted off country week after singing Let's Give Them Something To Talk About. He is famous for him fauxhawk, or ponyhawk. Some think that American Idol producers kicked him off the show. Fans are called Fanjayas
girl- Did you see Sanjaya Malakar last night on American Idol?
girl's friend- Ya, he was so good!
girl- I know, I LOVE him!
by Alycen April 29, 2007
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