verb: Losing horribly in anything
Damn, you just got samba in basketball hardcore. Go hit the showers, loser.
by The Greatest Man from Youngstown September 14, 2005
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A modified form of felatio, with the female using both hands in a grasping, twisting motion. After recieving one, it is widely accepted that a great deal of bragging is in order.
"Holy shit, that chick gave me fucking La Samba last night, her hands where all over my shaft!"
by Papi Chulan June 13, 2008
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A lower league footballer who, despite his real life inabilities, is considered to be a world beater becuase of his percieved skill level in Championship Manager.
Let's sign us a Cherno Samba.
by MaFu January 26, 2005
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Death aka visit to the graveyard.
Michael: You still owe me fifty bucks!
Sebastian: Don't worry, it's not like i dance my final samba anytime soon.
by COOTB July 13, 2012
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The awkward dance a couple does after sex when the toilet roll is just out of reach. Butt cheeks/thighs and miscellaneous tangled body parts must coordinate to prevent a cuddle puddle from forming while flailing for the TP.
My girlfriend and I performed the semen samba after realizing that the tissues were on the other side of the bed.
by Milopie Sneezypee August 22, 2016
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One of the finest ladies out there

A member of the Girl group Blackswan
Shes a bi-langual queen
And has some nice ass legs😩
Fatou Samba Is the finest woman out there
by Megantheestilli0n September 8, 2021
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A slang term for a Brazilian hooker.
Ah man Brazil is awesome. All I need now is some Samba Momma's and this place would be perfect!
by Xelus April 16, 2013
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