UK joke phrase for RAP 'music'
rap means rubbish at poetry - they all laughed
by maenads May 3, 2007
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The most offensive insult in the world.

Especially if you are four.

It should be the insult of choice for the parents of small children, so as to protect their delicate ears.
"That winger missed a sitter, what a rubbish head"
by Jamie Douglas September 6, 2006
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An alcoholic beverage typically drank after a near death experience partying with your crew. Made in a pint glass the drink contents include a light domestic beer, a shot of Vodka and a splash of Orange Juice. The original consisted of Bud Light, Titos Vodka and some shitty OJ.
"I escaped the night but I didn't escape being a piece of shit, time for a sluggish rubbish."
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Food that is unhealthy, fattening or has saturated fats.
Basically, a food that you wouldn't eat on a healthy diet
I've been really bad this week and ate nothing but rubbish food
by D-Jesus August 3, 2015
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Someone who thinks they are hot shit, balling...but are really just higher versions of white trash. Examples include baby mommas living high on the hog of their baby daddy's money, medium-end strippers, waitress and the like, flirting/getting involved with rich married people, partying and living place to place, etc.
Tamara just got her child support payment, look at her new jeans! She is such an ivory rubbish hoe.....!
by tacobella36 December 22, 2017
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A type of person within the gay community who fulfills all the gay stereotypes and is a living embodiment of that stereotype.

A Rubbish Gay usually displays an affinity for one or more of the following: frivolous drama, traditionally 'feminine' behavior, overspending, overly saccharine pop music and party lifestyles.

The Rubbish Gay often centres his life around "seeing and being seen" and less on his career or other more substantial goals.
Sam: "Tom was talking shit about you the whole time at the Naomi Smalls show."

Colton: "Girl he ain't nothing but a stunt queen and a total rubbish gay"
by just like honey July 27, 2020
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When attempting to hook up with a bird amongst a flock of women, quickly picking the ugliest in the pack so you can reduce the time investment to the absolute minimum to achieve an ejaculatory outcome.
Jimmy Dink was on a tight timeline so he pulled a Rubbish Hump that enables him to be at the start of the poker game on time.
by Jimmy Dink April 24, 2018
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