The lone piece of feces that rises up to the surface of a toilet bowl after one flushes a massive dump.
Reg: Hey whats up Phil!
Phil: Not much. Just took a major crap after lunch; it went above sea level. Amazingly, I flushed it all, but a rebel resisted the flush and resurfaced.
Reg: That cray... happened to me on Taco Night. Damn rebels...
Phil: Yeah, damn rebels...
by Quicka69 December 17, 2013
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Definition of a Rebel :
Yes = No
No = Yes
Person X : Ayo Dawg, have you heard about the Local group in Doha known as 'Rebels'
Person Y : of fucking course yeah, them dawgs some serious ass kicking dudes !!
by sin_anios August 3, 2007
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a colorful person who is different because they out-color the goths but hang out in the same general area

rebels make or alter their clothes to make a new product

can usually be seen with mohawks and rainbow colored hair
There is an awesome fight on the football field tonight. Goths vs. Rebels.
by imaprettycoolbrunette January 14, 2005
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n. A proponent of a new misrule who has failed to establish it. (Amrbose Bierce "The Devil's Dictionary.")
A rebel's life is during Youth, The Period of Possibility, the true Saturanian Reign, the Golden Age on earth again.
by -aiboksi- July 26, 2004
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everyone's a rebel so no one is a rebel

you're all a bunch of tattooed,pierced,missing your 4 front teeth carnival folk

in other words hicks
by u stupid fashionistas May 16, 2004
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A person who does something that's not bad but they think it is
*moves chair a bit*

Oohhhh what a rebel
by Po September 26, 2015
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Somebody who deliberately breaks the rules just so everyone else thinks its cool; usually seen getting high in an abandoned washroom/broom closet or at the mall.
That rebel's trying too hard: he should just start back dressing like a Backstreet Boys reject.
by Shawn B. May 2, 2003
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