A yellow circle with one quarter cut out to make a mouth

this was a big arcade game back in the day
Mommy can i have another quarter to play pac man?
by Welshwonder April 23, 2004
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To drive right on the dotted white lane divider, which gives the same effect as Pac-Man eating dots.
There was this moron today pac manning down the motorway
by ROFLMAO# May 6, 2007
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Nickname of the Filipino Boxing Champion, Manny Pacquiao.

Boxing announcers and match commentators usually call him by his nickname "Pac-Man" instead of his surname "Pacquiao", since it's easier to pronounce.
"In this corner, wearing red flaming shorts: Manny Pac-Man Pacquiao!"
by DTNS January 26, 2009
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When a woman farts in a sitting or side-lying position, and the fart bubble creeps up the front of the perineum and is eaten by the vagina. The vagina eagerly engulfs the fart mimicking Pac-Man. Sometimes this air is expelled at a later time in the form of a queef.
Her vagina was so loose that she frequently Pac-Man'd her farts.

Oh! That Pac-Man tickled a little!
by RaunchyRN August 7, 2015
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a figure in a game that looks like a yellow circle with his mouth cut out of it and a black dot as an eye,and says waka waka waka when is eating dots.
wakawaka waka.....................................................
by jake doodely snider July 22, 2004
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Yellow circle whose life consists of eating dots and avoiding coloerd ghosts.
0....Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka
by George McDonald February 27, 2005
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The act of driving your car directly down the center of the road going over the white stripes in the middle of the road, while making the classic pac man noise
Quit Pac Manning! There is a car coming!
by Joey Z May 16, 2007
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