When you don't want to move from a questionably comfy spot but you're trying to inspire yourself. Motivating one ounce at a time.
I got work in less than a hour but I want to stay in bed, I got to wiggle your big toe out of here.
by Some Kevin or the other September 23, 2018
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The phrase refers to giving a certain person sexual intercourse through the anus.
Bob says to Sally: "Hey Sally, if you Touch your toes I'll show you where the monster goes"
by JackNDaBeanStock December 29, 2009
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To kick someone's arse (Scottish)
Shut your face or I'll toe your hole
by roscomcpie December 9, 2008
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used by Jacob darling when roll kills him in R6
Jacob:screw you I hope you stub your big toe
roll:fuck you to then
by one baked cunt September 19, 2019
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When a male pules out of any orfice on a female, barracades it with a lincoln log and proceeds to spread open the big toes on each of her feet with the left and right hands. He then proceeds to say "cummin in yer toes" in a monotone voice very rapidly until he ejaculates on her toes. After the act is finished the girl walks on the males body and sings toe toe toe your boat until it is dry.
Jerry- Damn rebekkah was wasted last night. What'd you guys do in there?

Randy - Stuck a lincoln log in her ass while she sang toe toe toe your boat all night long.
by bob jonez August 23, 2011
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To go fast in a vehicle related to the gas pedal and the action of pushing it
Dave you are going to be late get your toe down you might make it in time.
by Sir sweet April 4, 2022
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