The un-intentional catch phrase of Zack Scott on YouTube, usually iterated in times of frustration.
by mr.cmoes August 5, 2011
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A phrase that can be used to instantaneously pacify any situation, as depicted on a South Park episode.
After it became known that the phrase was used to rectify the long-standing altercation between the Bloods and the Crips, people told the Israelis and Palestinians to just "come on", and they all finally came to their senses. A few months later, the guys working for a New World Order were told to come on, and they instantly lost interest in their plans for world domination. Later everyone got together and smoked a bowl.
by Spaceman Spliff June 5, 2007
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A word that stupid people laugh at when they have just discovered the meaning of cum.
Person: He's coming from over there.

Stupid teenage girl: lolorz 1he said come!1 1 !!
by Prof. Goldman December 1, 2010
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Ur friend speaks in the radio and tells u to speak in the radio
Tower a:this is tower a come in
Tower b:I ate noodles do u copy

Tower a:I copy over
by Uw- May 25, 2019
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and cum 1. semen or any fluid secreted at orgasm

2. to have an orgasm
Don't forget top clean your come off the couch.
by Light Joker February 22, 2006
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The process by which you recover from a horrible hang over.
Hung Over John to Buddy: "Dude, I've been hurting all day from last night. I haven't come to yet. Call me later."
by Global(847) October 5, 2008
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A very term for Bring it on!
A guy is surrounded by zombies, cornered and no way out to escape. He shouts "Come on then" and as he makes his last stand.
by Toofastforschool November 14, 2015
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