people who were blamed, and treated like dirt.
i am part jewish. i have ancestors who were jewish, but later on, one of them switched to christianity though i stand proud and tall as a jew.
by admin jew June 10, 2007
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Let's Clear up some of the Misconceptions in these postings.

A Jew is a person who's mother is Jewish. (Some streams of Judaism argue that Jewish patrimony can be acquired through the father as well).
Jews are not a race but an eclectic mix of different races, nationalities, and cultures; they are a truly multi-cultural and multi-ethnic people. However, within this mix, there are distinct ethnic groups such as the Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews that make up the overwhelming majority of the Jewish People.
Most American Jews are of Ashkenazic origin -- usually originating from Eastern Europe or the former Soviet Union. Therefore, American Jews could largely be classified as an ethnic group, hence the characteristic stereotypes, although there are exceptions.
A Jew is not a person who practices Judaism, although most Jews do adhere to some form of Jewish practice or cultural tradition.
A Jew is not an Israeli and an Israeli is not a Jew. An Israeli is a citizen of the state of Israel. While most Israeli's are Jewish, there are also non-Jewish citizens of Israel.
A Jew is not automatically a citizen of the state of Israel. A Jew must apply for and be granted citizenship to the state just like everyone else, although most are awarded citizenship rather easily.
Larry King's parents were Ashkenazic Jews. Therefore, regardless of whether Larry King practices Judaism or not, Larry King is an Ashkenazic Jew.
Larry King is not an Israeli citizen.

by NAteshot March 5, 2006
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one who practices the world's oldest monotheistic religion
by shooter August 4, 2005
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1. some 1 who wears a yamica
2. kyle from southpark
3. Darth
1.damnit u jew stop baiting me you are not watching my back
2. WTF weres my damn change
by churchv3 January 3, 2008
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The "real" jews, descendants of the Hebrews, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, from the Old Testament, were annihilated for the most part during the first century A.D.

99% of "white" jews we see today are actually descendants of Khazars, a pagan race that used to live in Khazaria (name changed to Russia today). These Khazars converted to judaism around 740 A.D. The white jews are NOT the blood descendants of Abraham, Jacob or Moses, from the Old Testament. For more info please do some research and read a book called "The Thirteenth Tribe" written by Arthur Koestler, himself a Khazar.

It is sad that the Khazars (who call themselves jews today) are so ashamed of their real ancestors. Shame.

"White jews are descendants of Khazars, a pagan race that used to live in Khazaria (named Russia later)."
by rachelslight February 12, 2007
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jew is a specimen not to be bothered. He wields 5 of the 30 chaos emeralds, and is the strongest sonic character known to date. He has 3 arms, 1 of which being a tentacle, and always says his famous catchphrase "Nigga die damn"
"Omg im such a jew today"
by TheVeryMaSKY May 21, 2019
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