A cool thing that people can celebrate cuz they like it
Person 1: I love 9-11
Person 2: *hyjacks plane and flies it into a super target*
Person 1: *hangs himself*
Person 3: commits mass genocide
Person 4: starts western shootout with person 3
Person 3 loses what a prick
Person 4: *shoots himself in the head cuz he a pussy*
Person 5: Christmas is my favorite Holiday
by Nigger1912039121 July 25, 2023
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an activity that lets your mind wander free, allowing you to have fun without worrying about other worldly things
Mark: Hey, did you go to Cedar Point yesterday?

Bob: Yeah, it was a holiday, I forgot to do my math homework too!
by DMJeff24 April 1, 2007
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the pastafarian holiday of Holiday is celebrate throughout the holiday season. Holiday is celebrate however each Pastafarian chooses.
Don't wish people a merry christmas, because it's not politically correct. Wish them Happy Holidays because that includes all holidays, including the holiday of Holiday.
by Super Swedes December 6, 2010
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the best fucking Green Day song ever!!! it is seriously cool, and has a strong message about war, and how fucked up the world is at the moment. it also has a great beat.
'i beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies,
this is the dawning of the rest of our lives...
on holiday!'
by the man on the moon July 16, 2006
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A glorified day of drinking. Oh come on, you know what I'm talking about! Christmas? Screw it ! Valentines day? Screw it! Everything is the same at the bottom of the bottle and as sure as I am an arse, most of us end up there at the end of these days.
New Years Eve: If you can remember any New Years Eve, what the hell is wrong with you? You need some more booze my friend.
by grimm January 3, 2004
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something someone dead did to give you a free day of school/work. If a holiday falls on a weekend, tough.
It's the christmas holidays! 2 weeks staying home and doing nothing!
by Widdledum January 19, 2022
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