Somebody who plays Dark Souls and Bloodborne. However RobinGaming is not a hardcore gamer he s a casual. Even though he plays Bloodborne.
RobinGaming is not a hardcore gamer.
by HarvZGames March 19, 2018
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A sorry excuse for a human being that spends way too much time sitting on their fat ass playing videogames, and no time drinking and getting pussy. If they have any friends, they are also hardcore gamers, and therefore also a disgrace to humanity.

Hardcore gamers can be spotted quite easily. They usually wear gay ass Atari and Nintendo shirts, and can usually be seen either alone or with a few other gamerqueers, playing Dungeons and Dragons (or whatever). They will never be seen with a female. Ever.

They are characterized by an extreme phobia of even thinking of talking to even an average looking girl, freakishly high test scores in math and science, no job, overweightness or obesity (although in some cases they are skinny little pencil pricks), and a tendancy to talk about the latest Star Trek episode.

Michael Moore is probably a hardcore gamer.
by haji killa January 13, 2008
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A person who games online and dames for atleast 4 hours per sitting. Online gamers have a wide collection of games and do not buy preowned
My friend is a fullhardcore gamer, he stayed up till 3 in te morning to unlock the EOD helmet
by knack November 17, 2008
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A person who has wronged you; esp. some dumb dumb who that doesn't know who the fuck they're messing with.
Jully (a.k.a. The Hardcore Gamer) underestimated me, hopefully she's learned her lesson.
by howzthat March 6, 2019
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Someone whose leisure time is spent playing casual games while trying to manage other tasks making the act of playing a video game more socially acceptable but no less reprehensible.
Dude, my mom plays Angry Birds and Farmville all fucking day. I swear to god, she's the most hardcore casual gamer I've ever met.
by nickhimself March 28, 2011
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Someone who has been playing games (in my case exclusively PC games since Windows 95) for years. Therefore being very knowledgeable about all the genres of games (fps/rts/mmorpg etc). To the point now that no game satisfies me since I've seen everything. Its the same repeated formula with better graphics. Kinda like Iphone and Samsung Mobiles LOL. Humans have saturated their creativity it seems.

Watch when Cyberpunk 2077 finally does comes out, it wont be any different than GTA 5. Not saying that's a bad thing since a casual gamer would definitely enjoy gaming more then a veteran. For me the game is about the journey and not the endgame. Thats the only way to enjoy it but i tend to favor multiplayer games rather than single player for obvious reasons.
Hardcore Gamer plays games all the time, with multiplayer games being a second job (mmorpg).
by altamash3000 November 8, 2020
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