Underwear similar to the Banana Hammock often worn by Male Strippers.... except that it has more of a pouch. Small purse or bag, the size of a clutch which is often too small to hold what she is trying to fit in it, just like the male underwear referred too above.
Did you check out her Banana Gourd
by Phil-tri-state May 13, 2008
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a gross penis that is lumpy and knobbly, often curved. a gourd dick is often thin at the base and then gets bulbous toward the head. conversely, it can be thick at the base and then gets pointy toward the head. while the most blatant species of gourd dick are long, they can also be short and fat. However, to qualify for a gourd dick it has to be lumpy and varying in thickness from base to head.
'I picked up this dude last night but kicked his ass out after a half hour cuz after we had a couple beers he busted out his gourd dick.'
by capnCrouton April 29, 2004
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Fat yellow eyed, square headed Gorillas. Used by hitler in world war two, too capture the jewish relatives of his own distorted cousins. Skulls used to drink in the river of naples.
"dude! i found a Gorilla Gourd" "we can go shoot him and drink from his skull!"
by Taylor Colpitts April 8, 2008
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Out of your mind, or head. Feeling crazy in the moment. Crazy enough to do something that you would not usually do, or perhaps it can be described for someone who always lives a little bit out of their gourd.
Someone might call out to another alarmingly, "Are you out of your gourd???" if they are planning to do anything extremely out of ordinary, or if they already catch them in the act.
by Tea Jade October 7, 2006
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Out of one's mind, stoned to the bejeezus, fried, gone, out of one's element, kukoo bananas.
Hey, did you see that guy open that beer bottle with his teeth?

Man, you'd have to be off your gourd to do that.

by nick May 15, 2006
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It is a drink made from winter melon and sugar as raw materials and cooked into soup for a long time. It has been drunk in Taiwan for a hundred years. In Chinese it is “冬瓜茶”
-What would you like to order?
-I'd like a glass of white gourd drink.
by ThisisPolly October 4, 2021
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