After you have too many beers, you suddenly can't get it up.
Dude, they need to invent a pill for beerectile dysfunction!
by potatopandemic July 14, 2010
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A variant of fuckedupness that is severe and profound.
This was a level of dysfunctional fuckedupness that was off the fuckedupness chart for sure!
by Dr Bunnygirl July 2, 2021
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A disability that causes those it afflicts to be unable to follow even the most simple instructions.
Bill: Dude, wtf!?! You were supposed to pick me up at the airport yesterday.

Tom: For realz? I thought that was tomorrow. My directile dysfunction must be acting up again.
by Jtothebizzy January 23, 2010
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An inability to become aroused due to prolonged exposure to Hillary Clinton.
Joe was suffering so bad from Hillarectile dysfunction that even Viagra couldn't help.
by webster_c February 17, 2008
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Murray has tried textagra for his textual dysfunction, to no avial.

Bill was devastated when all his textual advances were met with thumbs-down results.
by Morgan's Daughter April 21, 2008
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1. A male's embarrassing inability to expel semen during sexual intercourse, due to lack of true arousal, physiological shortcomings, or other causes.
2. The failure of a CD/DVD player or computer to eject its contents.
1. Enrique: How was the sex with Josefina last night man?
Quentin: Amazing. Until I couldn't cum. FUCKING ejectile dysfunction.
2. Anastasia: WHERE is my copy of 10 Things I Hate About You?
Isadora: It's in my laptop, sorry! It has ejectile dysfunction!
by Jorgitooo May 9, 2010
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