Term meant to be an insult by Hillary Clinton towards Trump supporters. Those deserving strong condemnation. hooligans. felons. Trump's followers have embraced this term.
Hillary Clinton deflects culpability by calling Trump supporters a basket full of deplorables.
by shit&Syphilis September 23, 2016
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1. The act of using legation, such as:
Carrots,cucumbers, Bananas, etc. To satisfy a sexual desisire.

Using equipment, lightbulbs and/or heat generating housware..
2. UN-natural and inhumane sexual behavior.
Deplorable sex was caught on camera by a family member.
by Zambama April 4, 2018
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feel or express strong disapproval of (something).
"we deplore this act of violence"
by midob July 8, 2017
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