The shaking motion that occurs right up to the point before the vomitis flows from the mouth.
"God damn the new foreign busser's breath makes me wanna chunder." puke
by obcpunk July 10, 2010
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To screw up. Commonly used by disc golfers, especially in Northern California.
When I take the test, I sure hope I don't chunder.


I really wanted to hit that putt, but I chundered.
by Eric J K April 7, 2006
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not just to vomit
but to have exceptionally CHUNKY barf
The smell of shit and piss
was so extreme it made me want to chunder.
by piss tit November 29, 2007
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To project vomit mainly in an upwards direction
Hey steve did you see that guy Chunder everywhere last night?
by Guillotine September 17, 2003
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When you are on a trampoline and someone does that thing where they land just before you do and by some mysterious act of physics they launch you like five thousand feet in the air and you're like,"Shit nigga you just gave me mega chunder!"
I rememer old Luke Hensely used to give me some mean-ass chunder on that old trampamboline I reacon. I tell ya my balls would just scramble on up into my nether regions...whoopaaa!
by Sky Puncher August 18, 2006
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