1. affectionate term for chronic or weed
Damn, id kill for a bag of chron chron right now
by ABJ March 21, 2005
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1. Something uber fucking good.
2. Something tasty.
Cigarettes and milk are chron chron for sure
by KBishigh July 23, 2007
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"I only smoke chrons, none of that shitty regs"
"I got some gans for 45 an eighth, or some good chrons for 75"
by OG Gooch Man January 16, 2009
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A euphemism for marijuana. Derived from "Chronic", an older, established euphemism.
"I just came up on some chrons, you wanna join me in a session?"
by Choppy February 18, 2003
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Chrons are the SI unit for level of being intoxitaced by THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) where 50 chrons leads to passing into an unconscious or incohearent state, and 100 chrons leading to death. 100 chrons being roughly the equivalent of a quarter pound of marijuana consumed in 2 hours by one person.
Yo Nick, whats gonna be the SI units for 'being stonned'? I'm going to lable the highness graph "something vs. time" and put it on the side of Asteroth**.
... (pause in deep contemplation)... Chrons
Yeah, like spelled "C-H" or with a "K"
well, definitely "C-H" 'cuz its like 'chronic'.

**Asteroth: a massive bubbling gravity /waterfall bong (massive)
by ziggoguy May 6, 2005
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Chron is time the Greeks used it a long time ago
He didn't have chron to watch tv
by RedstoneYT1 January 23, 2019
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The darkest person on cord, blends in at night and calls it his late night grind.
Look its Chron the darkest person on cord he is very black
by some bronx nigga February 20, 2023
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