Bicycle riders who don't follow the rules of the road. They can be found going the wrong way in bike lanes or blindly barreling through intersections. A good middle finger and a honk will put them in their place.
ocinstanews: "Obey the rules of the road Butt Darts!"
by Connah November 23, 2018
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losing you digit in a chicks cornhole. DEEP in the Corn...
YO, I was tappin this ho from behind doggy and to make sure she learned her lesson to cook me dinner I gave her a butt-dart that she would always remember.
by dickie mo bags September 15, 2003
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The darting of the tongue in and out of the anus with a vibrating tongue ring.
I'm thinkin of taken this relationship to the next level, it's time for butt darts!
by 115711 Greeley CO March 6, 2015
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(Dudes walk in the bar) gay bartender says to coworker "hold up, that's my table, I'm goin butt darting"
by Sac lawson November 6, 2013
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When you have diarrhea and the feces comes out in a series of small staccato blasts.
I have poopy butt darts shooting from my ass like a machine gun on full-auto!
by LordAuron January 14, 2006
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the act of being very, very gay whilst being very, very good at it.
yo, what's up with captain sequin shoes?

dunno, maybe he's a bit touched.

or maybe he's a little butt dart champion.
by stu in the zoo April 25, 2006
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A priest, oftentimes Catholic, who has repeatedly inserted his penis into an altar boy's asshole. He has been accused multiple times, and moved to other churches in order for the Catholics to maintain their holier-than-thou attitude.

Father Butt Dart is a pedophile, not to be confused with a homosexual. The upper age limit is about 12.
Did you hear what Cardinal Law said about Father Butt Dart when he was finally called out in public? He said God only chooses special young people to have "that kind of a relationship with a priest".... The higher-ups sure do protect Father Butt Dart.
by Truth Hurts Sometimes March 6, 2011
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