To be drunk, smashed, trashed. See also ripped off your rocker.
Bob: "Maaaan, I had some Blue Moon last night. Gettin' all busted up."
by not28 October 15, 2007
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Part of a line from "To Kill a Mockingbird". A shifarobe is an old fashioned piece of furniture similar to a wardrobe with drawers like a dresser and a full length cabinet for hanging clothes. "bust up a shifarobe" is slang for when a white girl seeks to engage in interracial sex. In "To Kill a Mockingbird" Tom Robinson's accuser is a white girl who told him if he would come inside and bust up a shifarobe for her she would give him a nickel. Once inside she throws herself on him. Her forbidden attraction discovered by her racist father she is beaten by him but falsely accuses Tom of beating and raping her.
Dawg, I saw you with that white girl at the movies. You "bust up a shifarobe"?
by egonovus May 4, 2009
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After Tommie finished rolling up a fat joint, his handed it to his friend Chad and shouted "Let's bust up that chiffarobe!"
by NickTthebeast August 10, 2008
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(Verb) To haul ass or run away as if your life depended on it.
"After I stabbed dat nigga I heard 5.0 comin so I Bus'd up.
by Ronni August 31, 2004
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broke, no money left, not a penny to your name,
Usually akin to punters that have gone broke, or any loser gambler that never wins "he/she is "all bust up"

The U.S.A. is "all bust up"
by PUNT FOR PROFIT August 22, 2011
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It is a slang term that refers to sexual activity, explicitly having sex or engaging in sexual activity up against a wall. The phrase is often used in hip-hop music and is associated with a rough or aggressive style of sexual behavior.
by Otobashi April 21, 2023
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Someone you have sex with on a consistent basis but would never be in a serious relationship with due to them missing key attributes of a significant other. Not to be confused with a bust down. Bust downs are solely for sex while “bust ups” have potential to be more if they corrected certain things.
Friend: “Are you bringing Brittany home for the holidays?”
Me: “Nah, she’s not quite on that level. She’s just a “bust up”.
by _LoveTKO August 9, 2021
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