A race of cybernetically enhanced beings who "assimilate" other races into their group, in an effort to become "the" perfect race. Were seen on Star Trek: The Next Generation, the first episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and the movie Star Trek: First Contact. They are "led" by the Borg Queen, who oversees all the operation of the Collective, but at one time, Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise was assimilated and became "Locutus of Borg", and almost helped destory the Earth in the process. A significant portion of their fleet was destroyed when the U.S.S. Voyager used some woman from the future to help them put a virus on the Borg Queen's ship.
by crazyrabbits May 6, 2005
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Extremely touchable.
The intense feeling of enjoyment you feel when you squeeze or cuddle an object. The object is usually a pet like a cat, and the feeling is so intense you don't want to stop squeezing or cuddling the object.

The adjective form of this word is borgie which describes the cuddly or squishy object that a person does not want to stop holding, which is normally a pet.
The word originated from Natalie Roberts in 1994 when she got her first cat Oreo and described the cat and the intense feeling she had when she held it. Usually when the word is described most people have felt this feeling at some point in their life towards an object. It can be described as the same feeling cats have when they kneed an object like a blanket or a couch.
Example-My cat is so borgie I just want to borge him to death.
Example-That cat over there is so borgie I just want to catch him and hold him forever.
Exanple-Don't run away kitty, I need to borge you!
Example-Look at all Morris's fat, he is such a borgie kitty!
Example-My cat is so borgie I just want to borge him to death.
Example-That cat over there is so borgie I just want to catch him and hold him forever.
Exanple-Don't run away kitty, I need to borge you!
Example-Look at all Morris's fat, he is such a borgie kitty!
by MissKittyKruger December 30, 2015
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You take a gallon of water, drink a third of it, and fill it back up with vodka. Then, you squirt most of a bottle of Mio in. Meant to be shared between 2-3 people.
"Hey man you down to Borg tonight?"
" Sure, but hopefully I don't end up face down in a ditch like last time."
by Borgku November 2, 2019
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to be assimilated into the collective by something in an effort to forcibly take something of yours...

could be your computer, clan, freedom, money, effort, technological and biological distinctiveness, or your soul....

but you will know when you have been borged.

you have been warned.....
XP fucked up my system!!!! again!!!!
ive been borged!!!!!! fuck you Bill Gates!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!6^%$^$*^&^*&^#$%(*^$^

by 324430 of 9999999999999 May 14, 2005
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n. the borgata, the best place to gamboool in atlantic city.
herbs: yo, wanna go to the borg tonight?
karthik: definitely dude, i totally hit a jack on the river there last time. SHIP IT HOLLA!
by khup December 11, 2006
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The act of assimilating someone else's software designs, ideas, culture, and implementations and passing them off as your own. (Some non-geeks would probably call it Copyright Enfingement... but they're not Star Trek fans.
Dave G borged my prototype.

Dave G took my prototype and showed it to the project manager as his own work.
by xsumo June 25, 2013
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