Someone with an extra large head. Usually quite dumb, and enjoys stalking people.
David Parkinson has a big head, and likes to stalk people.
by Guydp August 11, 2006
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A redneck slang term for a mentally handicapped individual-being that many of them have big heads.
I saw that there big head waitin' to git on the big head bus this mornin'!
by Lucy8417 July 9, 2004
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1:An insult commonly used to insult the size of a persons head. There are other insults referring to a large head such as: Large skull, vast cranium, oliT, and pumpkinjitis head.
2:Being called a big head could also refer to a person being cocky and arrogant.
1: "you've got a big head"
2: "He is so big headed!"
by Gregsdx :P December 8, 2010
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A way to describe the Barna twins.

Barna twins are two math artists living in Montreal
The Barna Boys have really big heads/
by Ben Barna November 22, 2004
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Used to define a very stupid person. It first started out in a small Seattle high school because of an individual known as JD but in the last few years the term has taken the nation by storm.
JD had a big head when he decided to say that stupid comment.
by JMG 123 April 12, 2010
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