When faced with a tough decision, Going Arbitrary is asking an otherwise illogical question to make the decision for you. Optimally, the question should be connected to the decision in some way, though this is not necessary.
Person A) "Beef patty or chicken patty... I don't know! I'm going arbitrary. Exploration or flying houses?"

Person B) "Flying houses"

Person A) "Chicken patties it is!"
by Beast_modez June 19, 2009
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Those statistics people make up on the spot to try and give their statement some credibility.
Jeff—Yo, do you know how good my airsoft gun will be if I replace the trigger?
Eric— Probably 50% or 60% more height on the shots with a new trigger.
(Eric uses arbitrary statistics to make himself look smarter in front of Jeff.)
by Jaronbill May 19, 2010
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When things are considered immoral purely based on religious and/or cultural dogma rather than any logical sense of ethics.
Person 1: Loud laughter, homosexuality, and bikinis are sinful!
Person 2: That's arbitrary morality right there.
by PuncherOfTrees August 11, 2023
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No it's not a joke. I'm better than that fucking retard and if you replace the word "retard" with "Incel" I sound like 99% of you. And the evidence is his life is literally being sustained by a team of people. I was a cog in a literal human dialysis machine to maintain his existence.
Hym "There's nothing arbitrary about it. Why should I be expect to associate with someone who considers me a second class citizen in their own life? This applies to the retard and the whore and if I don't have a SAY IN or even a right to know what's going on around me how is that not second class citizen. If I'm equal to or worse than the retard, I'll take my free pills and living space now."
by Hym Iam September 26, 2023
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A failure of a creation

Can also be used to say disgusting toes
by Shu omea November 10, 2019
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Arguably the best and most popular poetry website (that is founded in the Jurong district of Singapore)
"Hey have you heard of Arbitrary Poetry?"
"It's a great site where anyone can publish their poems. Of course I've heard of it!"
"Indeed! What I love about it is the diversity of poems it contains."
by IuseUD October 12, 2022
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