Used to describe your appearance or the appearance of someone else in a positive way. This slang usage originated in the NY area.
Yo, she hit the gym in spandex shorts and her body is looking like EVERYTHING!
by BlackBauer November 28, 2010
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When u run out of "intellegent" things to say,u can add it after a sentence,the phrase means "and other things,etc.",it has the same usage with "and stuff".
1.I worry about my work and everything.
2.So growing up,u know,I had a cake and everything,but I never got any presents,cos I was born two days after Christmas.
by hejunjie11 August 21, 2013
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Doing everything sexual EXCEPT sexual intercourse.
Valerie: "I'm getting together with this guy tonight to do an Everything But!"

Amanda: "No way!!!!"
by Carlyia July 11, 2008
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All things within the universe. Comprises of matter and energy (forces resultant of the interaction of matter).

Can be described at a single point with the term, something

Everything can only exist if there is nothing, which in turn can only exist if there is something, because nothing is the absence of something
Theist: god created everything in the observable Universe from nothing because he is almighty

Atheist: There was no creation because nothing cannot exist if there wasn't something to be absent of, therefore there was no creation, time and existence are infinite, and the notion of god is irrelevant let alone substantial

Theist: *Head explodes*

Some Guy: Dude, you just disproved the existence of god with a dictionary

Atheist: Pwnd
by EnlightenedAtheist April 25, 2009
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I think you have some everything between your teeth.
by MsFriday April 29, 2007
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