Theodore is the type of guy that would spend all his time and money even if he can’t afford to. He is goofy and loyal.
Becky: That Theodore guy kinda cute
Jane:He is really loyal aswell
Becky: I call dibs
by antonio fallorto June 4, 2020
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The sweetest man alive, he is so nice and makes all the girls around him blush. He has beautiful blonde hair and sparkling eyes, he has a deep manly voice and is so ripped. He has three arms and purple skin, he has seven girl friends and 12 wife's.
by CountJingleKitty December 28, 2018
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The most dank, zasty man alive. Usually has a huge meme collection. He's the most memeiest guy alive
See that guy over there, he's such a Theodore. He has the biggest meme collection I've ever seen!
by The SmaoamS November 26, 2017
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The Act of being a stalker, and or the act of being Theodore.
Nigga, Quit Theodoreing me!
by EviL LeM0nZ November 17, 2014
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a sexy bastard. usually has a really big dick. is not circumcised.
"OMG Theodore fucked me last night and he ripped my ass with his huge cock!"
by big_man97 March 2, 2017
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Theodore was on the legal team for the 2000 presidential recount, was on the domestic policy team for Bush-Cheney 2000, and Dubya told media outlets that he didn’t like him during the 2016 presidential election.
by Coop Dupe January 6, 2020
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a kinda tall guy who has a nice asf six pack. he´s an odd person but really fun to be around . has a lot of friends . someone whom i wanna get close with . Is usually taken by the prettiest girl in school( maybe a Vanessa , Lattia , Georgia, or a Meghan) and the thickest one 2 . A decent sized wee wee . And if he´s single will never have a chance with his fine ass :(
Random girl: Theodore breathed at me yesterday
Another random girl: girl wtf...
Random girl : girl what im obsessed
by Xxxnottentacion September 23, 2019
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