Rapidly releasing a series of multiple, small turds.
I just had the turtle spurts. Had to be about a dozen floating.
by Eaton Holgoode January 8, 2019
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Adjective a girl so hot that she makes you ejaculate inside of your pants
by Joshua G. May 21, 2005
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The rather destructive effects of a large fart during or immediatley after anal sex. The by-product being refered to as a hershey spurt
She finally let me play the back nine, but right after I copped a hershey spurt!
by Miv January 10, 2005
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When your cum goes EVERYWHERE!!!
Last night I gave johns mum a jizz spurt she's still wet now!!
by Cunt slayer69 March 13, 2017
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a point in someone life when they begin to experience sudden changes in their looks and physical appearance. like a growth spurt but instead with your physical attraction.
wow bro, she’s hot!”

“ya she must’ve hit her glowth spurt over summer
by narowmeee :)) July 17, 2018
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A two step process of fucking a wife, girlfriend, or (b)ride in order to ejaculate a load. After which, while the receptacle is cleaning up quietly leaving without notice.

Also Known as Cum and Go.
Where's Ron?

He'll meet us at the bar. He's gotta stop by his bitch's pad for a quick spurt and split.
by Spanked as a Child March 22, 2013
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