1. (1564-1616) English poet, playwright, actor and director; not much is known about his life. He wrote 37 plays and over 200 poems, and is rumored to have contributed heavily to the translation of the King James' Bible. One of the most influential figures of the Renaissance era, his mastery of the English language, his keen understanding of human behavior, and his passionate dedication to the value of love and knowledge have ensured his survival, as a cross-cultural icon, for nearly 500 years, and at the dawn of a new century, the continuing popularity of his work seems to guarantee that his genius will continue to stretch far into the future; perhaps this continuing popularity is due to the fact that, though seen by many unenlightened eyes as old-fashioned, his works are filled with an insight and compassion for humanity, that were centuries ahead of their time.
Some of his plays include HAMLET, MACBETH, ROMEO AND JULIET, OTHELLO and A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. There are rumors of a 38th play, but although several "re-discovered" manuscripts have been put forward as possible contenders, no case has been adequately proven for any of them, to date.
2. A guy who has charm, wit and a way with words; a jack-of-all-trades, a loyal friend, a trustworthy confidant, and a passionate lover. In short, a Renaissance man.
That Shakespeare was dead sexy- he was a lover of all humanity, and he really knew how to use his tongue.
by C.G. Newton September 20, 2005
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A cruel and heartless man that wrote scores of plays for the sole purpose of torturing young schoolboys and -girls for generations after his death.
Shakespeare...That bastard.
by Rado February 6, 2005
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The most amazing person to roam this planet. Romeo and Juliet was timeless. Breathtaking. Such an icon. Such a freaking icon.
That's a good poem, but you're no Shakespeare!
by ShakespeareAdmirer March 25, 2019
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Shakespere wrote stuff that we could never write in our dreams
by Stephanie March 5, 2004
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Something your English teacher forced you to learn about
Brush, Shakespeares like 500 years old, why do we need to earn about him???
by ipunnorg May 25, 2021
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Really old guy with a whole crap-load of plays that he may or may not have actually written. Some of his stuff is good, some not so good, but all of it over-analysized by english teachers around the globe. Like all really old guys from the Renaissance, he kind of looks like blood hound that got thrown into a blender with a bunch of lace doilies.
What was Shakespeare thinking when he wrote "Romeo and Juliet"?
by zombie_fools April 10, 2008
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