A sister group to the SAS very simular except specialise in marine operations includeing bording ships, breaching hatches, attatching mines, marine insertions
by Razak July 14, 2003
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Or known as Skinny Bitch Syndrome. This phenomena occurs amongst females and males alike. For women it causes them to become obsessed with the males abdominal muscles ignoring the usual bird chest, bird legs, bitch pecs and a scrawny back due to the fact that the males are skinny bitches (S.B.S). For males SBS causes different effects, makes men forget about all other muscle groups to focus on there abs and nothing but there abs and the occasional biceps pump up. Be warned SBS could transend into a far more serious pandemic known as PBMS or (Pretty Boy Muscle Syndrome).

Ladies and gentlemen can percent this from happening common symptoms are:
Douche bag behaviour

Your boyfriend weighing less than you do

Men who have SBS pictures on MySpace or Facebook

Men/boys wearing tapout or affliction when you know they won't fight
Guy : so what's your favorite muscle on a guy?

Girl: Omg definitely abs there so hawt

Guy: oh you don't care about chest, triceps, traps, delts, lats, quads or hams?

Girl:......what are those? I like skinny boys with abs

Guy: oh god SBS -______-
by thatguido August 22, 2010
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A shocking experience when an object, professor, or person pops up from behind and anally attacks you, while screaming "SBS".
"Man, i just SBSed the SHIT outta that psych. test!"
Guy 1- "SBS!"
Guy 2- "Aww you got me!"
On-looker- "It's not rape if you say surprise..."
by NMU-K November 26, 2008
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Social Bull Shit

the act of everyone hating each other becuz of a rumor that spread around.
I heard you're dating Tyson.

That's SBS! that is so NOT true!
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Did you hear about Bela and Josee? Apparently they’re an SBS!
by Joshua Daniel Crow July 17, 2023
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Bro did you hear that girl didn't know what minecraft was?

Yeah I think she has SBS.
by hinata sbs August 22, 2019
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"I was asleep and I felt a tingle then I realized this was SBS"
by I beat my parents September 3, 2017
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