Robyn is the hottest Chick known to man also known as love muffins!
"Hey look there goes Robyn (love muffins) hmm nice ass"
by Matticus125 October 18, 2005
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A girl who is really awesome at everything, and so beautiful it hurts. She is confident and amazing at life.
See also, sexy.
Hot guy 1: wow, look at the girl!
Hot guy 2: Woahh, she's hot!
Hot guy 3: totally, she's such a Robyn!
by 99RedBalloons March 21, 2009
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Means the most random, funniest, gal you'll meet. With a finnnnnneeee arseee! If someone eats a cookie, they call them a robyn
Your lucky you got called Robyn because it suits you, beautiful, funny and random :D
by finneeeeeeeeee July 19, 2010
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Batman's sidekick was seduced by the big black side of the force. Robyn's fall left a giant black hole in the galaxy!
Ty was never the same after he discovered Robyn's dark secret...
by MaximumWarp87 October 26, 2019
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A girl that demands to know what’s going on in the background when you’re talking with her on the phone. Very confident and motherly. She has a spicy personality because her name is spelt with a ‘y’ instead of an ‘i’ and don’t you forget it!!
person 1: This guy from work asked me out.

Person 2: yeah, what’s his name?
Person 1: Robin.

Person 2: That’s a stupid name for a man, everyone knows ROBYN is a female name and is spelt with a ‘y’.

Person 1: I said no.
by TheProblemSolver July 11, 2021
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Pronunciation: (RAW bin)

Origin: Germanic

Meaning: Bright fame

That girl was just born for fame and the spotlight! The name Robyn suits her very well.
by lala2525 June 14, 2008
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Is a independent girl, slays the existences of jealous people
Damnn look at Robyn looking hot as always
by Cowra2015 September 3, 2016
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